Over the past week alone i have spent everday listening to online music through either youtube or spotify. I have played various amount of games on websites like miniclip and teagames.com. I have watched a few programmes that i have missed through BBC i player or 4OD. I do all of this in just a few days. When you think about how many people use online entertainment it makes you think just how big the entertainment sector is.
A lot of entertainment cannot be used without the source of internet, which means people depend on the internet to let them listen to their music or read their books. For example online games cannot be played without the internet especially multiplayer games. radio cannot be listened without the connections. watching missed progames on 4oD or BBC Iplayer is impossible to do without the internet.
On the other hand you could argue that you can read books without the internet you can listen to CD's without the internet you can also watch TV without the internet. But you can only do these kind of things to a certain extent, you would have to have a CD player and the CD's where as on the internet you can listen to your favourite music with the click of a button. To read a book you will need to go out and buy the book where as online you can read a book with the costs of a couple of pounds, you dont even have to move. It fast and easy.
Radio is a very popular way of listening the music. People can listen to the radio from all over the world the click of a few buttons.
I personally reasearched this and i was able to find radio stations from all the different continents and listen to the music. I was even able to find a radio station in iraq and also listen to it.
This is the website i used to find all the radio stations from all over the world. It was really easy to navigate and there is so much choice you have to spend some time thinking about what to listen to.
This website is one of the most popular radio stations in france. from here you can listen to this radio.
This radio is from south africa
This radio is from pashto
This is a radio from Colorado.
This is a radio from Brazil
This radio is from Australia
Radio's are presented in a website view. Each radio station tends to have a website where the public can access a little music player which will either play live or will play recorded music. I find that the bigger that radio station is the better the radio's website will be. This means that the website will have better access to the music. To access a radio's broadcast simply type it into an online search engine like 'google'. Goggle for example will come up with a silly amount of different websites so if you want to find something specific make sure that you write in something specific. for example if i typed in 'listen to heart radio' the second link is the one i want and that will take me straight to the website where i can find the music.
Most radio stations are free and can be accessed from almost anywhere however some radio stations make you pay a subscription fee. Radio's can be targeted at anyone, from reception children to old age pensioners.
This is John Logie Baird and his first tele
The radio is not limited to just the Internet the easiest way people find the the radio these days is when they are in the car and they are listening to their car radio. You can easily buy a radio clock or a radio box for around £10. Radio these days are very very easy to get your hands on.
Advantages to the radio are that they are a good form of entertainment and they are very easily accessed. People love listening to their favourite songs and now they can easily do that. There is also many different types of radio stations this is also an advantage as everybody is different and enjoy listening to different things.TV
TV stands for Television. Television is where you watch your favourite programmes and films. Television has far to many different channels to even begin to list however the most popular in the UK are BBC1, BBC2, ITV and ITV2. Television was not started through the internet. A man called willoughby smith made the first tele withthe discovery of photoconductivity; but the man to make the first television with moving images was John Logie Baird in 1926. This means that TV is not unique to the internet.
This is John Logie Baird and his first tele
This picture shows you the difference between the type of tele when the first came out and what teles are like now.
Recently people have developed a way to watch tele online and watch all you missed programmes. To find live television on the internet i find is very rare. Most businesses will put the programme up on the internet after the programme has been played. Programmes like these are called BBC i player or ITV player. These programmes should not have the ability to be accessed in different countries as the idea of these programmes are people can catch up with there favourite programmes who pay their TV liscense. These programmes are free for the UK, all you need to do is type the player would like into a search engine like google and click on the website you want. For example if i wanted to find the BBC i player, i would type 'BBC i player' into google and the link i want is the first one that comes up.
Most programmes like these are free, the ones i use are free however some may ask you to subscribe and pay for a subscription fee. This will normally pay for the up keep of the website. These programmes are aimed at the public who watch TV generally or people who watch that programmes channel. For example the Iplayer will aimed at people who watch BBC 1,2 or 3.
The advantage to these programmes are that people can watch missed programmes or catch up on a series. These programmes have defonately enhanced the technology of TV entertainment, as now people never have to miss a thing.
Video is something that you can watch. By video i mean websites like youtube. Youtube is a large website with hundred of throusands of videos made by the public to share with the rest of the world. Youtube can be accessed from all over the world and absolutely anybody with a computer and a youtube account can upload a video. The content of the videos are checked before they are allowed onto youtube. This kind of video entertainment is unique to the internet and apart from some TV shows like you've been framed and rude tube there is nothing like online video entertainment. It is very easy to access any video, type it into a search engine and you get many many different types of video websites come up. For example karma tube and youtube are free to subscribe and load movies/videos however websites like lovefilm.com and moviescapital.com make you pay to watch films and videos. Some websites like lovefilm.com let you have a free trial for 2 weeks where you are able to download and rent unlimited amount of films, games and music for 2 weeks. This gives you a taster of what you can have. If customers like this they then get the choice to pay £5.99 a month to get this all the time service all the time.
Online video entertainment is targeted at mainly young adults who are into music, funny videos and films.
The advantages to this online entertainment is people all over the world can share and watch videos created from proffesionals and amateurs. Many popstars like sandi thom and justin beiber have been found on youtube. This entertainment is fast and easy. On websites like youtube and karma tube, If you just want to watch thousands of free movies 24/7 you do not need an account but if you want to upload videos and share them with the rest of the world you will need an account. the best bit is these are free accounts.
The disadvantages could be that videos that you do not want to be uploaded are uploaded you can do nothing to stop it. This can be used as bullying without other people knowing it.
This kind of entertainement has defonately enchanced techonology. people can now share their videos and music with the rest of the world.

Games are played all over the world all the time.
Game stats:
25% of people aged 18 years or younger
49% 18-49
26% over 50
Good level of detail on all sections excpt for the gaming one (....?) Need to flesh this one out some more.
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